Hi guys! This week I watched the movie adaption of Stephen King's Carrie.
After receiving her first period, a young girl begins to develop psychic powers that make life a little more than it used to be.
The film starts with the birth of our main character, Carrie; which depicts her mother lying on a bed writhing in pain. She gives birth to Carrie and contemplates taking the life of the baby in her arms, but decides against it. This beginning scene tells us that her mother is a woman of dangerous and impulsive actions. This plays a greater role later on in the movie.
Next we see Carrie in a school pool, readying to enter the water. She watches the other girls around her, seeming to be maybe jealous of them, or just really lonely. Along with the other girls, Carrie makes her way into the pool where a game of water polo begins. The game starts out nice and easy, Carrie standing in the back corner of the pool aside, everything seems to be going fine. Eventually the ball is pummeled into the water in front of our protagonist and she is forced to enter the game. Attempting a serve, Carrie accidentally hits one of her classmates in the head (I think it was Chris, a snobby girl who is the daughter of a lawyer). This leads to the beginning of the tragic downfall that ends in a murder.
Then we find ourselves at the beginning of the action, the scene that basically sets the show on the road for the rest of the film. While Carrie taking a shower, she finds blood on her soap (from her first period) and has no idea what it is. She begins screaming and yelling for help, thinking that she is dying. Carrie then approaches her classmates in a panicked manor and they begin to laugh once they realize that Carrie is just on her period. The other girls then proceed to throw tampons and pads at Carrie, yelling at her to "plug it up". The gym teacher hears the commotion and enters the locker room where she finds Carrie cowering on the floor and other girls throwing things at her. The gym teacher stops the other girls and tells Carrie that everything will be okay, and seemed a bit surprised that Carrie didn't know what her period was and that was what was going on.
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Carrie on the Bathroom Floor |
Upon arriving at the house, Carrie asks her mother again why she wasn't informed of the periods. Her mother, Margaret, asks Carrie to come inside. Carrie refuses and her mother goes inside. Our "heroine" is confronted by one of the neighbor kids who calls her "Crazy Carrie". Carrie reacts by making him fall off his bike, much to her surprise. She eventually goes inside and sees her mother banging her head against the wall, asking "God" for "forgiveness". Carrie tells her mother that she didn't do anything, to which her mother retorts by telling Carrie to go into her prayer closet (a crawlspace under the house stairs that has pictures of Jesus and other Christian memorabilia). The teen refuses so she is thrown to the floor by Margaret and is dragged into the closet. Carrie begins to bang on the door, she becomes so emotional that she triggers a crack to occur in the middle of the wooden door.
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The Prayer Closet |
The next day, Ms. Desjardin lays down the law with Chris, Sue, and all the other girls that participated in Carries shaming. Ms. Desjardin asks about Chris and Sues dates for the prom and tells Sue she wouldve voted her Prom Queen but not anymore. Ms. Desjardin tells them it was a "very crappy" thing they did to Carrie and they are going to pay for it. They will be doing suicide sprints after school for a week. Anyone who refuses the punishment is suspended and cannot go to prom. "While you run, I want you to think long and hard about what it has to be like for Carrie White," Ms. Desjardin says. After a while, Chris calls "bull crap" on the whole punishment, saying Ms. Desjardin can't do it. Sue tries to tell her to take the punishment and let it go but she wont. Chris refuses, so Ms. Desjardin suspends her and revokes her prom privileges. Ms. Desjardin mentions that apparently someone took a video of the incident, looking at Chris as she is pretty sure that she did it. Chris says Ms. Desjardin cant take away prom from her and tries to rally the other girls to go with her. One by one, they refuse, including Sue, the only one who shows any true remorse. They continue to run while Chris screams: "This is not over!"
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Chris (Pictured) Argues with Ms. Desjardin |
Chris gets a meeting with Ms. Desjardin and The Principal with her arrogant lawyer father to try and overturn her suspension and revoked prom privileges. Chris tries to play the victim, but Ms. Desjardin plays better hardball than her, saying there was a video uploaded and if Chris just proves it isn't on her phone, then she can have her prom after all. Her father tells her to give up the phone, but Chris refuses to and storms out, thus indirectly admitting her complicity and making sure her suspension and punishment stay active. Sue and the prom committee work on turning the gymnasium into the prom. Chris storms in and asks why the girls didn't back her up. She then asks why Sue didn't. Sue says because she deserved the punishment, they all did. Ms. Desjardin was right; they did a shitty thing to Carrie. Chris balks and says Carrie deserved it. "What has Carrie White ever done to you?" Sue asks her soon to be former friend. Chris tells Sue that she is not being high and mighty because she feels bad; its because she wants to go to prom with Tommy then do the dirty with him in the hotel she already booked. "You don't give a crap about Carrie White," Chris sneers, leaving.
The next day, Sue watches Tommy play Lacrosse. Sue comes up to Tommy and asks for a favor; she wants him to take Carrie to the prom. Tommy is shocked, saying he wants to take her, but Sue wants to do something. "I'm trying to fix what I did," she says. Tommy tries to convince her, but Sue says she cant go and begs him to help her make things right. Tommy finds Carrie at lunch and shocks her by talking to her. Tommy asks her about prom and if she would like to go with him. Carrie runs off without responding. Tommy tracks her down and asks again, but Carrie thinks it is a joke. "Stop trying to trick me," Carrie says. "I'm not," Tommy replies. Carrie doesn't believe him however, and runs off.
Carrie cries in the locker room when Ms. Desjardin finds her. Ms. Desjardin thinks the girls did something again but Carrie says she got invited to prom. Ms. Desjardin says that's a happy thing and asks who asked her. Carrie says Tommy Ross. Ms. Desjardin, realizing something is up, stays neutral saying he is a cute boy. Carrie says she knows he dates Sue Snell and thinks this a big joke to him. "They're going to trick me again," Carrie says. Ms. Desjardin says maybe not. Carrie ponders why Tommy would want to go with her. Ms. Desjardin directs Carrie to the mirror telling her she sees a beautiful girl and with the right dress and the tiniest dash of makeup she can stun everyone speechless. Ms. Desjardin confronts Sue and Tommy thinking they are planning something. "If the two of you are planning some kind of joke on a poor, lonely girl..." Ms. Desjardin warns them. However, Sue says she is trying to do a good thing for Carrie; allow her one good night and a chance to be social. Tommy says it doesn't matter since Carrie said no, but Sue tells him to try again. Ms. Desjardin tries to appeal to Tommy saying he will look weird with Carrie on his arm, but Sue says this is a private matter and they don't care how they look doing it.
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Ms. Desjardin Comfort and Reassures Carrie |
Margaret tells her she looks like a deviant. Carrie, having enough of her mother's overly religious quotes, asks that for once that her mom could be happy for her. Margaret says they are going to laugh at her, but Carrie says to stop it. Tommy is a nice boy and everything is going to be fine. As Tommy shows up, Margaret tells her daughter that she was conceived by what was basically marital rape and how she tried to kill her as a baby. Carrie, finally losing all her patience, force chokes her mom. There will be a judgment Carrie, Margaret says. Carrie opens the closet and looks her mother in with powers, saying she will be back at 10:30 pm as promised. She then melts the door lock so her mother cant get out. Carrie goes out to meet Tommy. "Do I look okay?" Carrie asks. "You look beautiful," Tommy says, meaning it. They drive to prom in a limo. Carrie requests a moment, thinking about the other students. Tommy tells her despite what she thinks they aren't all bad. Calming her down, they go in, where she is introduced to Tommy's best friend and his girlfriend, who goes to another school. The other girl compliments Carrie on her dress, and is pleasantly surprised to find out that Carrie made it herself.
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Carrie puts on Makeup |
Sue looks around and sees Chris in the rafters. Chris sees Sue see her. She hesitates momentarily, but Billy goads her on to pull the rope. Ms. Desjardin sees Sue and misconstrues her reasons for being there and throws her out of the building without hearing her warning. Chris pulls the rope and the pig blood cascades down and drowns Carrie in it. Complete and utter silence follows. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Tommy yells at everyone, having and wanting no part in this unbelievable act of cruelty. Chris then hacks the video monitors and plays Carries period video. Most cant help but laugh but Ms. Desjardin among with a few others, are in complete shock. Ms. Desjardin goes to Carrie but Carrie pushes her back with her powers, startling everyone. Chris and Billy rig the rope and begin to flee but Chris wants to stick around and see Carrie squirm. The rope however gives and the pail that held the blood cracks Tommy on the back of the head, killing him instantly. Carrie turns back around and cradles his head her lap, absolutely devastated that the only boy that ever treated her kindly has been killed. Carrie looks up in the rafters and recognizes Billy's sunglasses. She knows who is responsible. Something snaps in her mind. She turns to the guests, as the blood on her body starts to levitate off it. A few see this and try to flee in horror but it is no use.
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The Blood Falls on Carrie and Tommy |
Chris asks Billy what they should do as their little prank is now responsible for at least a dozen deaths. Billy tells her they will leave town and never come back. Chris agrees reluctantly. As they drive off, Carrie is behind them. She stomps the ground and causes it to cave out ahead. Billy turns the car around and speeds back. Chris sees Carrie and despite everything, will not give up her vendetta. "RUN HER DOWN. KILL HER!" Chris snarls. Billy says he has it under control and charges Carrie. Carrie however is waiting for him and stops the car with her power, the force causing Billy to hit the steering wheel hard, breaking his nose. Chris comes to a few minutes later, and realizes Billy is dead from the impact. She cries but when she sees Carrie, she reaches for the keys and backs up, still hell-bent on killing her. When she charges again, Carrie pulls the car up high in the air, and then throws into a gas station pump. The force of the throw causes Chris face to go through the windshield making shards of glass embed all around her face. Carrie watches as Chris breathes her last. As an extra precaution and because Chris deserved it, Carrie causes the leaked gas to spark, causing an explosion that guarantees Billy and Chris demise.
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Carrie Stops the Car |
Moments later, Sue arrives at the house. Carrie is angry with her saying she just killed her mother and she wants her back. "Why couldn't you leave me alone?" Carrie asks. Sue says she tried to help her. "Don't hurt me Carrie," Sue pleads. "Why not?" Carrie snarls. Carrie puts Sue in a force choke-hold as the house begins to collapse around them due to her powers becoming uncontrollable. Carrie puts Sue down. Sue tries to reach for Carrie so they can escape. Carrie places her hand near Sues stomach. "Its a girl," Carrie says. Sue looks at her in shock. "You don't know?" Carrie asks. Carrie pushes her out of the house. Sue watches as rocks come out of nowhere and fall directly on the house, collapsing it on itself. Carrie holds her mother and kisses her forehead as the house finally falls down on the both of them. Sue looks on in horror and gingerly touches her stomach. An undisclosed time later, Sue is giving a deposition in front of the whole town (As to her pregnancy subplot, it is very unclear whether Sue is still pregnant or not and/or she kept the baby). The man interviewing her asks if what she saw happen could've been a natural accident. Sue however, stands by her story. Carrie was just a normal girl with normal hopes and desires like everyone else, and they pushed her and when people get pushed, eventually they break. They broke Carrie White.
We see Sue at the graveyard where Margaret and Carrie are at a joint plot. Someone has spray painted "CARRIE WHITE BURNS IN HELL" on the gravestone with an arrow pointing down. Even in death, someone still had to be heartless to the poor, lonely girl who only wanted to be accepted. Sue lays a white rose at the grave and leaves. A moment later a force comes up from the ground, cracking the tombstone down the middle. In the middle, a crater forms in the shape of a heart. Carrie's ultimate fate is left ambiguous.
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Her Grave |
Sorry for the long synopsis, but this was a big movie to cover. As an avid Stephen King fan, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Yes the acting was cheesy, for the most part, and the effects were kinda stupid, I thought that it told the story of Carrie White as it should be told. Unlike the 1970's movie, this film had a better way of playing out the full book, and included many of the small details. All in all, I rate this movie a 7 out of 10 stars.
I also love Stephen King! I was actually thinking of watching Carrie tonight, since I haven't seen a good horror flick for a while. I ended up watching Quarantine 2, though. Didn't know they'd made a sequel, guess that tells you how good it was.
ReplyDeleteSounds like I should have watched Carrie, despite my dad's warnings at it being cheesy. I really love this story. It has a very clear message: Don't be stupid, have some respect. Carrie's powers only wrought havoc when she was hurt, and still people tested her. Trying to run her over when she is COVERED IN BLOOD and THROWING PEOPLE WITHOUT TOUCHING THEM?! That's stupid. And Chris was being disrespectful the whole time. She obviously wasn't concerned about saving herself. She wanted to run Carrie over because she hated her. If she was worried for her life, she would have had Billy turn the car around.
It also teaches you to chill. Or rather, it teaches you not to seek such extreme revenge. Sure, Carrie wasn't treated very nicely. I don't agree with how she handled things, though I'm sure it was beyond her. It wasn't her fault, it was her mother's. Had Carrie received some sort of love and a chance to talk about what was going on, maybe she wouldn't have gone over the edge. This is a good example of how home life can effect us. Also, if Carrie had had some sort of mentor for her powers, she could have been a great hero. It kind of makes me think of a hero story gone wrong. She had the capacity to be Super Woman, but ran into so much trouble that she couldn't become the hero she was meant to. Surely her family isn't the only one with powerful genes, and someone could have helped her with her powers.
Anyway, I really loved this post. Also love this blog, keep doing what you're doing :)
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